– A ‚occasional‘ bug hunt perl script
The following small perl script sometimes helps to hunt down an issue with varnish-cache. It continously calls ‚varnishstat‘, greps for a certain pattern in the output and if the selected (by grep) counter increases it dumps the contents of the shared memory log to disk using ‚varnishlog -d‘ and ‚varnishncsa -d‘. You even have the option to limit the number of dumps in the script in order to limit disk space used up during nightly runs.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w ################################################################################ ## Q(uick)&D(irty) Varnish-Cache Bug Hunt Script ## -> Version 1.0 (2011-05-27) ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Copyright (C) 2011, Stefan Pommerening <>, ## ## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program. If not, see <>. ## ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Parameters to change in source code: ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## $dumps : Number of maximum file dump (to limit disk space on nightly runs) ## $pattern : Pattern to grep for in varnishstat output (e.g. 'backend_fail') ## Use 'varnishstat -1' for a complete list (first column ids) ## $instance: Varnish-Cache instance name (if applicable, otherwise leave empty) ################################################################################ use strict; ## Parameters to change ######################################################## # (see above) my $dumps = 10; my $pattern = "backend_fail"; my $instance = "port80"; ################################################################################ my $last_be_fail = &Fetch_Backend_Fail($pattern, $instance); my $curr_be_fail; while (1) { print "\n"; sleep 10; $curr_be_fail = &Fetch_Backend_Fail($pattern, $instance); if ($curr_be_fail > $last_be_fail) { if ($dumps > 0) { &Dump_Varnishlog($instance); $dumps--; } $last_be_fail = $curr_be_fail; } } sub Fetch_Backend_Fail { my $pattern = shift; my $instance = shift; my $VARNISHSTAT = "/usr/bin/varnishstat -1 "; $VARNISHSTAT .= "-n $instance " if ($instance); $VARNISHSTAT .= "| /usr/bin/grep $pattern | /usr/bin/awk '{ print \$2 }'"; my $be_fail = `$VARNISHSTAT`; chomp $be_fail; my $date = `/bin/date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`; chomp $date; print "$date: backend_fail:[$be_fail] "; return $be_fail; } sub Dump_Varnishlog { my $date = `/bin/date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`; chomp $date; my $VARNISHLOG = "/usr/bin/varnishlog -d "; $VARNISHLOG .= "-n $instance " if ($instance); $VARNISHLOG .= " > /var/tmp/varnishlog.$date.log"; my $VARNISHNCSA = "/usr/bin/varnishncsa -d "; $VARNISHNCSA .= "-n $instance " if ($instance); $VARNISHNCSA .= " > /var/tmp/varnishncsa.$date.log"; print "Writing varnishlog ...\n$VARNISHLOG\n"; `$VARNISHLOG`; print "Writing varnishncsa ...\n$VARNISHNCSA"; `$VARNISHNCSA`; } 1; – Little stats script
Provided by Simon Lyall (Web: via the Varnish-Misc Mailing List (2011-05-27). Here is what he wrote:
- In case anyone finds this useful. It is a little script that outputs the URLs that are doing the most hits and most bandwidth. It’s a bit of a hack (I see bits I could tidy just now) but works okay for me. Main bug is that URLs with different sizes (gziped/non-gziped mainly) are totalled seperately.
#!/bin/bash varnishncsa -d > /tmp/vlog # START1=`head -1 /tmp/vlog | cut -f4 -d" " | cut -f2 -d"[" | sed "s/\/[0-9]*\:/\//" | awk -F/ ' { print $2" "$1" "$3 } ' ` START=`date +%s --date="$START1"` FIN1=`tail -1 /tmp/vlog | cut -f4 -d" " | cut -f2 -d"[" | sed "s/\/[0-9]*\:/\//" | awk -F/ ' { print $2" "$1" "$3 } ' ` FIN=`date +%s --date="$FIN1"` DIFF=` echo " $FIN - $START " | bc ` echo "Data for the last $DIFF seconds " cat /tmp/vlog | sed "s/\%5F/_/g" | sed "s/\%2E/\./g" > /tmp/tophits.tmp echo "" echo "Top Hits per second URLs" echo "" cat /tmp/tophits.tmp | awk -v interval=$DIFF ' { COUNT += 1 } END { OFMT = "%f" ; printf "Total Hits/second: %i\n" , COUNT/interval }' echo "" cat /tmp/tophits.tmp | awk ' { print $7 }' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -20 | awk -v interval=$DIFF ' { printf "%4.1f Hits/s %s\n" , $1/interval , $2 } ' echo "" echo "" echo "URLs using the most bandwidth" echo "" cat /tmp/tophits.tmp | awk -v interval=$DIFF ' { SUM += $10} END { OFMT = "%f" ; printf "Total Bits/second: %6.1f Kb/s \n", SUM*8/interval/1000 }' echo "" cat /tmp/tophits.tmp | awk ' { print $10 " " $7 }' | sort | uniq -c | awk -v interval=$DIFF ' { printf "%6.1f Kb/s %i h/min %i KB %s\n" , $1*$2/interval*8/1000,$1*60/interval,$2/1000,$3}' | sort -rn | head -20 echo "" echo ""