How to install Varnish-Cache using Puppet

This article again is in English language. I think the following topic is interesting for a larger community and I usually do not double post in different languages.

Key problem was how to automate the whole installation procedure only using a very small custom puppet manifest. I also needed to fetch the varnish cache software itself from a third party repository requiring an alternate PGP key for authorization.

The following sample puppet manifest is stripped down to the core statements required to get the job done. You can easily extend this example to suit your personal needs.

define varnish_setup ($listen=":80", $cache_size="16G") {

  service { "varnish":
    ensure  => running,
    enable  => true,

  package { "varnish":
    ensure  => installed,
    require => Exec ["resync_package_index"],

  exec { "varnish-restart":
    command     => "/etc/init.d/varnish restart",
    refreshonly => true,
    require     => Package ["varnish"],

  file { "/etc/default/varnish":
    ensure  => present,
    owner   => "root",
    group   => "root",
    mode    => "644",
    content => template("varnish/etc_default_varnish.erb"),
    require => Package ["varnish"],
    before  => Service ["varnish"],
    notify  => Exec ["varnish-restart"],

  file { "/etc/varnish/default.vcl":
    ensure  => present,
    owner   => "root",
    group   => "root",
    mode    => "644",
    content => template("varnish/default_vcl.erb"),
    require => Package ["varnish"],
    before  => Service ["varnish"],
    notify  => Exec ["varnish-restart"],

  exec { "resync_package_index":
    command     => "/usr/bin/apt-get update",
    require     => File ["/etc/apt/sources.list.d/varnish.list"],
    refreshonly => true,

  fetch_repo_key { "C4DEFFEB":
    ensure => present,
    keyid  => "C4DEFFEB",
    before => Exec ["resync_package_index"],

  file { "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/varnish.list":
    ensure   => present,
    owner    => "root",
    group    => "root",
    mode     => "644",
    content  => "deb squeeze varnish-3.0\n",
    notify   => Exec ["resync_package_index"],

define fetch_repo_key ($keyid, $ensure, $keyserver = "") {
  case $ensure {
    present: {
      exec { "Import $keyid to apt keystore":
        path        => "/bin:/usr/bin",
        environment => "HOME=/root",
        command     => "gpg --keyserver $keyserver --recv-keys $keyid && gpg --export --armor $keyid | apt-key add -",
        user        => "root",
        group       => "root",
        unless      => "apt-key list | grep $keyid",
        logoutput   => on_failure,
    absent:  {
      exec { "Remove $keyid from apt keystore":
        path        => "/bin:/usr/bin",
        environment => "HOME=/root",
        command     => "apt-key del $keyid",
        user        => "root",
        group       => "root",
        onlyif      => "apt-key list | grep $keyid",
    default: {
      fail "Invalid 'ensure' value '$ensure' for fetch_repo_key"